PFA Lined ballvalves

PFA Lined Ball Valve

Guard has its own factory for the design and development of PFA lined valves.
We use premium raw PFA material from Dupont for this purpose. Our lined valves are certified by LR, and suitable for ADR transports. For technical drawings and questions, please feel free to contact us.


Our PFA material has very good chemical resistance, chemical properties and the material contains components that prevent rapid aging.
Our PFA valves are used for transportation and storage of hazardous loads by companies such as Samsung Electronics, Semiconductor, Liquid Crystal and SK Chemical, among others.


Two kinds of material are available, Stainless steel &PFA and carbon steel & PFA. With once shaping technology and multistage seals on stem, we guarantee our valves without leakage. Machining, assembly and testing of valves are performed in a dust-free workshop to ensure purity.

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